Welcome to the Oregon Anglers Alliance
Thank you for allowing us to introduce you to the Oregon Anglers Alliance, a 501-C-3. We are a collaborative mix of commercial, recreational, and Tribal angling organizations, business owners, public agencies, and natural resource advocates.
With over 65,000 members the Oregon Anglers Alliance is the largest angling advocacy organization in the state. We bring a unified voice to the ODFW and the legislature concerning fisheries management policy.
Our members contribute well over 50% of ODFW and OHRC funding through license purchases, excise taxes on sporting goods, and ad valorem taxes on commercial catch.
Since the 80's, we have witnessed a steady decline in much of Oregon’s fishing opportunity.
Also, we are unaware of a plan and advocacy that ODFW has to restore that prior
harvestable fish abundance. We therefore are interested in helping to craft
a plan for a more abundant sport, commercial, and Tribal fishery.
Our ultimate goal is to help ensure maximum opportunity for a maximum sustainable harvest, and to pass this privilege on to future generations, as our forefathers have
passed this privilege on to us.
Fortunately, the state of Oregon has a fisheries management system including STEP, hatcheries, and the OHRC, that has tremendous potential for accomplishing our goal.
We look forward to supporting ODFW and the legislature in crafting a plan that will create
greater fish abundance for increased angling and harvest opportunity through habitat
enhancement and responsibly operated hatchery programs.
Leonard Krug,
President, Oregon Anglers Alliance
See us on FB, visit our website at www.oregonanglersalliance.org
Oregon Anglers Alliance PO Box 1593 Gold Beach OR 97444